OHEL Technologies

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The Importance of Tool Control During COVID-19

Tool control has always been an important aspect of any kind of technical work whether that's inside an office, a home garage, a warehouse, or out in the field. Companies spend thousands of dollars every year in order to maintain their selection of tools. Up till now the major problems related to tool control were mismanagement, misplacing the tool, theft, loss, etc. These were relatively simple problems and could have been covered by simpler more traditional storage solutions and did not need a lot of attention to detail. 

With the current global pandemic, the state of work has changed altogether. The Corona Virus has impacted well over 5 million people across the world and leaving the rest of the population vulnerable to the risk of catching the virus from the already infected ones. While most people have shut down their offices and started working from home, not all services can be shut off. The economy would fail if everything was completely stopped. If you’re one of those essential services, chances are that you are having a very hard time trying to ensure the safety of your workers. Even if you’re not, hopefully with lockdowns being eased, people will eventually return to work and you’ll need to take care of your tools and how your employees use them. 

As top management of the company, you need to take responsibility for the health and well-being of your workers which includes proper control of the tools and equipment used on the job. Then the question arises about how one ensures that the tools are always sanitized and safe to use. 

This is where a simple yet advanced storage solution, the OH-Box Ready. While from the outside it may seem like an ordinary toolbox, it packs a lot of technology in it and not only addresses all your storage needs and prevention against theft, loss, and mismanagement but at the same time lets you take all the necessary precautions required to ensure the safety of your workers.

According to various reports by WHO, COVID-19 stays alive on metal surfaces for up to 5 hours and on wooden surfaces for up to 4 hours. The OH-Box has an automatic locking system with the ability to provide drawer-wide access. This way no employee has to go through the whole box to find his/her tool instead they only get access to only their tools, thus eliminating the risk of contaminating oneself. If your tools are shared between a number of employees, the OH-Box Ready tracks the tools in real-time as well as records who was the one to check out the last item. In the case an employee is infected by COVID-19, it is very easy to trace all the tools they might have come in contact with and then sanitize those properly. 

Our modern use of RFID technology is designed to diminish health risks and safety problems during these difficult times. If you would like to find out more, email us at info@oheltechnologies.com or call (512) 565-4030.